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Wednesday, January 1, 2014


The book called Understanding you, It was to wake you up and understand you and everything about you and the life you had. Now it is time to go deeper and beyond your beliefs.

Everything you see including yourself is an illusion. You are no one you are an aspect of the whole, a reflection of the One. It is through the desire for self-identity and individuality that keep you deeply rooted in the illusion. Everything and everyone you see is a reflection of the one and it is because you want to be a separate individual that you see separation in everything and everyone. You search for your identity through looking out in the illusion and listening to the other aspects of the one that are looking for the same thing and all you do is create an alternate illusion of the you you think you’re looking for. This is a never ending search because you will never find a self out there, you can only create a twisted perception of the aspect of the one you’re part of. You have done this your whole life based on things you read saw and learned. So the more you see and hear and learn, the more you will transform into another form of separation and keep searching because you will never find true self, it doesn’t exist, only in the twisted perception of separation can you continue your quest for more and better illusions. And when you let go of the need to be separate and individual from the rest of the whole, you truly awaken to what you are, you realize you’re not a who, you’re a what, a piece of the whole that is everything.