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Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I will explain, because of your beliefs and subconscious programming you have the need for positive and negative, good and bad. You haven’t truly understood you otherwise you would see that you are the source of all you experience, and because of your past and beliefs you perceived the energy as either positive or negative as your subconscious placed it in a past experience so it would continue to strengthen your belief and keep you going in circles battling and protecting yourself from all the negative energy that is “attacking you” truth is because you don’t truly understand you and haven’t realized that everything you experience comes from you, you continue to look outward for these things instead of looking within where they originate.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Energy shift

Like I said earlier, this is a big energy shift that has started, it is intense now, it will get stronger. it is time to deal with the things that are popping up in your life and let them go, this energy is for transformation and if you resist it will drive you crazy. open up to it and let it flow through you and release all that no longer serve your highest good.
Thursday, January 23, 2014


Everyone is fixated with positive and negative energy and trying to focus on positive, truth is, energy is energy it comes from the love you were created from, it is through your subconscious programming and beliefs that you think there is positive and negative. only man could create this belief, just like karma reward the good and punish the bad, only man could create this nonsense. Because it has been passed down for millenia, it has become part of universal consciousness and excepted by all. So when you feel something your subconscious automatically interprets it based on your beliefs and places it in either a positive or negative category based on your beliefs and makes you feel those effects to reinforce the belief, but the truth is it is neither positive or negative, it is your twisted perception of your world that creates the illusion of positive and negative energy.
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Letting Go

You have reached the end of the beginning. Letting go is as easy or hard as you want it to be. It all depends on your attachments to things and people. Depending on where you were when you started, this journey of self-discovery was long hard and painful, or it was much easier than you thought, Either way you made it this far. Keep going. It really all comes down to letting go of what you think you are and remembering what you truly are. Unlearning the things you were taught throughout your life and opening up to the truth of what you are. You are so much more than you think; you are a being of light, energy, infinite love. Your life has been spent looking for meaning; you were just looking in the wrong place. You have accomplished many things in this world, but they are meaningless to anyone but Yourself. And they have nothing to do with why you’re here. They are all based on an old belief System that no longer serves any purpose. You have come a long way since the beginning, and have learned a lot about physical existence and being human, but it is time to remember who and what you are, time to wake up from the long sleep you have been in. You need to look within for your answers not without. The time for change has come, and this time will not support the old beliefs anymore. The greedy and the power hungry will end now. You are no different or better than anyone else, so stop thinking you are. The misuse of this Planet and the people on it will end now. It is time for everything to come together and be what it is meant to be. This place has a greater purpose than what you are using it for, as do you. It is time to reorganize and put everything where it belongs... You have a place to be and a purpose, it is time to go where you are being called to. You will have what you need, and your guides will be with you always. And I will always be around if you need help.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Most of us use tunnel vision when were outside, whether sitting somewhere or walking somewhere. Usually when we are walking down the street going to someplace, we are usually focused on the Destination (or daydreaming), Meaning that while we are walking we are focused on the Direction of the destination and we don't see everything else. We do occasionally glance at distractions, but quickly turn our attention back to our destination. What I want you to practice is expanding your vision. While outdoors, Whether walking or sitting, When you are focused on what you’re looking for, Whether it is a destination or object, Expand your vision to see everything on either side of your focus, (takes practice)While looking at whatever it is, Start expanding your focus to also see the things on either side. It may take some practice, but you will start seeing things differently, and you will start feeling the people around you. This is a great exercise to feel your connection with all things. Like I said it takes practice, you Need to learn how to take your eyes out of focus from what you’re looking at, you need to learn That while you’re looking at something, try and focus on the space in between you and what you’re looking at, takes a little time to get it, but when you do you will also start seeing the energy Around things and people. And they will feel you.
Friday, January 3, 2014


These things that you call gifts that your trying to understand cannot be understood fully in physical existence as long as you have the desire to be a separate entity from the whole. they are part of what you are not who you are. and as long as you try to identify them with yourself you will never truly understand what they are.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Deeper P.2.

the best thing you can do to help other aspects of the one, is to stop trying to be a separate individual. and seeing these things in others is because you are aware but still believing you are separate. and thinking they are separate when you let go of the desire to be a separate entity you start seeing the world as part of you and all you have is love for it, nothing else.  I understand why this is so hard to understand and get. our lives and beliefs are not ours, our beliefs about us and who we are comes from the beginning when we first sought our self, and they have been passed down for millions of years through billions of lives and has become what is called universal consciousness, it is accepted without question. even as we start waking up and becoming more aware, we still hold onto the past beliefs of our lives and who we are as a people. and this makes it very hard for us because we are afraid to step fully out of the past and be in this moment where we truly are and have always been.


The book called Understanding you, It was to wake you up and understand you and everything about you and the life you had. Now it is time to go deeper and beyond your beliefs.

Everything you see including yourself is an illusion. You are no one you are an aspect of the whole, a reflection of the One. It is through the desire for self-identity and individuality that keep you deeply rooted in the illusion. Everything and everyone you see is a reflection of the one and it is because you want to be a separate individual that you see separation in everything and everyone. You search for your identity through looking out in the illusion and listening to the other aspects of the one that are looking for the same thing and all you do is create an alternate illusion of the you you think you’re looking for. This is a never ending search because you will never find a self out there, you can only create a twisted perception of the aspect of the one you’re part of. You have done this your whole life based on things you read saw and learned. So the more you see and hear and learn, the more you will transform into another form of separation and keep searching because you will never find true self, it doesn’t exist, only in the twisted perception of separation can you continue your quest for more and better illusions. And when you let go of the need to be separate and individual from the rest of the whole, you truly awaken to what you are, you realize you’re not a who, you’re a what, a piece of the whole that is everything.