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Monday, October 28, 2013

Peeling away more layers

peeling away more layers

Peeling away more layers of who you think you are and what you have done thus far.A lot of us think we have come far and accomplished much in our lives
but the truth is most of it is external accomplishments, designed with help from your ego to keep you  looking Outward and not within where the real search
for truth is.We fill our lives with these external things trying to fill the void inside that knows there is more to life than this.
If you take away the external accomplishments, where are you inside? What have you learned?
  all it takes, accepting that things may not be the way you think they are.
you must look at your entire life and find the repetitive patterns that you keep repeating. Looking deeper to see what you were really looking for.
You will find it had nothing to do with where you were looking.
 If you truly look at the events in your life and the things you have done you will see that you keep doing the same thing over and over again.
 Your perception just changes so you think you’re moving forward, except that you remain in the same moment and never leave.
 Now I said this can be intense, and I know you will get angry at first at what I am telling you, but if you have an open mind to things not being the way you
think they are you will see what I’m saying.We are all looking for something, but we don’t know what it truly is so we look outward for it, Trying to define
ourselves by what we do or have done,  But all these accomplishments were all external.
  We are taught from childhood what we need to do to be successful in life, good education good career buy a nice house get married and have a family and
save for the future etc.
 Now you find out that what you are really searching for you will never find there. And all the things you were taught are no longer valid, you are so much
more than you think you are.
 Thus begins the quest within, the real search for who you are, and within is the only place you will find it.
 We are in the age of conscious evolution, which means that we are more aware of things then we used to be. Instead of evolving subconsciously as we have
done for millennia, we are now evolving consciously, more aware of the changes in our perceptions. And more aware of things that were unknown before.
 This is why a lot of people have awakened recently and started asking questions.
 We are more aware now that there is more going on than meets the eye. You just have to look in the right place.
 It's the illusion of time and separation that makes your life seem real.
  when you really look at your life and look at all the things you have accomplished you will see that it is all the same, you just change characters and
story lines so it looks different.
 It doesn’t matter if you came from nowhere and are now the head of a company. It is all the same. You are going nowhere inside.
 You are stuck in the ego’s hamster wheel going in circles.
 Now don’t get me wrong, everything you have experienced in your life has a purpose.
Getting you where you need to be. The key is using these events to look inward to see if you’re
 on the right path. And keeping your focus on where you’re headed.
now I don’t want you to believe anything I say, I want you to find it for yourself, otherwise you will not believe any of it.
So keep an open mind to things not being the way you think they are, and look at all you do and identify what it is that you were really looking for in that
 Remember everything happens for a reason, it is up to you to find it.               
 And remember Always be aware of where you are what you are thinking and what you are  feeling, not only will it help you stay present in the now, it will help you recognize repetitive patterns in what you do. Things are always clearer when you are present in the now.
 Welcome to the land of illusion, Now that you are aware that you’re life exists in one moment
 and all you have done has been in that moment, it is the belief in being separate and in time that create the illusion of physical life and everything you see.
 Nothing you see do you truly see, you are seeing from a perspective from someone else’s beliefs from the beginning,
 If you ask yourself how do I know what anything is? You will find that you only know because someone told you what it is and you accepted it without
question.  Just as they did and so did the millions before them.  In truth you don’t know what anything truly is.
 We are just in this moment where the illusion that we are separate creates the illusion of time, so we can learn and experience the physical world and evolve
through life cycles, eventually reaching enlightenment.
 We all go through these life cycles learning the lessons we want to learn and experiencing the things we want to experience.
 If you knew what you were when you came, this place would seem pointless.
 Even though you are a piece of the whole you are not separate from it.
 Everything we do is to reinforce the illusion that we are separate, from how you look to the way you say hello to people you meet. It’s funny, you see
someone you know a little bit away from you, and you say hello and say their name, you know them why say their name, it’s to reinforce
 the illusion that you are you and I am me.
 The way you look is the projection of yourself that you want the world to see, they see you different than you see yourself. Even though there is no separation
between us we create the illusion by treating everyone as someone else, not a part of ourselves.
By making ourselves either better or worse than others, Creating subtle differences in ourselves so we can be seen as different and separate from everyone
 And we accepted the world of illusion, it is all or none, when you accept one illusion you accept them all. Which is why you can’t walk through walls even
though they are just energy vibrating at a frequency to support your belief in them, even though they aren’t really there.
 Everything you see isn’t really there; you see it because it is universally accepted  Or as they say, it is part of universal consciousness; you could even use
the theory of the hundredth monkey(if you know it).
 Your awareness will expand and you will start seeing your connection to everything and everyone. And you will start having moments where you feel the
pure love that you are a part of.
It is a truly wonderful experience.
  We use this world to learn and  move forward and experience things that you can only do in physical form, it is where lifecycles started, you incarnate you
learn lessons and move up then die and incarnate again and start over until you finish, you have done that more times than you can count.
 You continue until you are done and don’t need to come back again. Unless like me you chose to come back.
This path is open to all, but because you are already on the path you came here for this one will feel wrong for you.
I have tried to show how to start on this path to a number of students, none of them getting too far.
 I understood why they never went through these teachings, they were already following the path they came for and the lessons they needed to learn.
 So trying to walk this path even though it is always there for anyone at any time it is not the path They chose when they came, they reach a point were
nothing feels right because they already Agreed to a path and everything on this one felt wrong and scary to them so they let it go.
 I understand, it is not an easy task to undertake when you’re committed to another.
 But I keep teaching it. One day you’ll be ready. And I’ll be here waiting.
 There are two path’s you can take while here, the path to illusion or the path to truth.
 Even though all paths lead to the same place it depends on how you choose to get there.