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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everybody, don't eat to much candy lol.

Love to all


My thoughts do not define me, they are just flashes of the past based on what i was taught , learned experienced and believed. but they are not who I am. My mind and my thoughts have no understanding of how things will work out, it is beyond them. I let go of each situation so it can play out the way it is supposed to, without my interference. Any passing thoughts that enter my awareness, I simply acknowledge them and let them go. I am who I am and my thoughts will not change that.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Being Your true self

Being your true self takes courage to walk through the fear you have about breaking away from the norm and what others expect you to do or be. And walking into the unknown, which will be remembered when you get there.
You know inside who you are, it's time to let the world know.


The only thing you have to fear is yourself. you are the only thing standing in your way.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

New book

Well I just finished my new book, now to get it published.
Monday, October 28, 2013

Be it

Find that spark within that was created out of love and be it.

Let go

When we let go of our thoughts of the past and future and be still in this moment, we find ourselves in our natural state of being.
When we hold onto those thoughts, we find ourselves in our unnatural state of being.

Peeling away more layers

peeling away more layers

Peeling away more layers of who you think you are and what you have done thus far.A lot of us think we have come far and accomplished much in our lives
but the truth is most of it is external accomplishments, designed with help from your ego to keep you  looking Outward and not within where the real search
for truth is.We fill our lives with these external things trying to fill the void inside that knows there is more to life than this.
If you take away the external accomplishments, where are you inside? What have you learned?
  all it takes, accepting that things may not be the way you think they are.
you must look at your entire life and find the repetitive patterns that you keep repeating. Looking deeper to see what you were really looking for.
You will find it had nothing to do with where you were looking.
 If you truly look at the events in your life and the things you have done you will see that you keep doing the same thing over and over again.
 Your perception just changes so you think you’re moving forward, except that you remain in the same moment and never leave.
 Now I said this can be intense, and I know you will get angry at first at what I am telling you, but if you have an open mind to things not being the way you
think they are you will see what I’m saying.We are all looking for something, but we don’t know what it truly is so we look outward for it, Trying to define
ourselves by what we do or have done,  But all these accomplishments were all external.
  We are taught from childhood what we need to do to be successful in life, good education good career buy a nice house get married and have a family and
save for the future etc.
 Now you find out that what you are really searching for you will never find there. And all the things you were taught are no longer valid, you are so much
more than you think you are.
 Thus begins the quest within, the real search for who you are, and within is the only place you will find it.
 We are in the age of conscious evolution, which means that we are more aware of things then we used to be. Instead of evolving subconsciously as we have
done for millennia, we are now evolving consciously, more aware of the changes in our perceptions. And more aware of things that were unknown before.
 This is why a lot of people have awakened recently and started asking questions.
 We are more aware now that there is more going on than meets the eye. You just have to look in the right place.
 It's the illusion of time and separation that makes your life seem real.
  when you really look at your life and look at all the things you have accomplished you will see that it is all the same, you just change characters and
story lines so it looks different.
 It doesn’t matter if you came from nowhere and are now the head of a company. It is all the same. You are going nowhere inside.
 You are stuck in the ego’s hamster wheel going in circles.
 Now don’t get me wrong, everything you have experienced in your life has a purpose.
Getting you where you need to be. The key is using these events to look inward to see if you’re
 on the right path. And keeping your focus on where you’re headed.
now I don’t want you to believe anything I say, I want you to find it for yourself, otherwise you will not believe any of it.
So keep an open mind to things not being the way you think they are, and look at all you do and identify what it is that you were really looking for in that
 Remember everything happens for a reason, it is up to you to find it.               
 And remember Always be aware of where you are what you are thinking and what you are  feeling, not only will it help you stay present in the now, it will help you recognize repetitive patterns in what you do. Things are always clearer when you are present in the now.
 Welcome to the land of illusion, Now that you are aware that you’re life exists in one moment
 and all you have done has been in that moment, it is the belief in being separate and in time that create the illusion of physical life and everything you see.
 Nothing you see do you truly see, you are seeing from a perspective from someone else’s beliefs from the beginning,
 If you ask yourself how do I know what anything is? You will find that you only know because someone told you what it is and you accepted it without
question.  Just as they did and so did the millions before them.  In truth you don’t know what anything truly is.
 We are just in this moment where the illusion that we are separate creates the illusion of time, so we can learn and experience the physical world and evolve
through life cycles, eventually reaching enlightenment.
 We all go through these life cycles learning the lessons we want to learn and experiencing the things we want to experience.
 If you knew what you were when you came, this place would seem pointless.
 Even though you are a piece of the whole you are not separate from it.
 Everything we do is to reinforce the illusion that we are separate, from how you look to the way you say hello to people you meet. It’s funny, you see
someone you know a little bit away from you, and you say hello and say their name, you know them why say their name, it’s to reinforce
 the illusion that you are you and I am me.
 The way you look is the projection of yourself that you want the world to see, they see you different than you see yourself. Even though there is no separation
between us we create the illusion by treating everyone as someone else, not a part of ourselves.
By making ourselves either better or worse than others, Creating subtle differences in ourselves so we can be seen as different and separate from everyone
 And we accepted the world of illusion, it is all or none, when you accept one illusion you accept them all. Which is why you can’t walk through walls even
though they are just energy vibrating at a frequency to support your belief in them, even though they aren’t really there.
 Everything you see isn’t really there; you see it because it is universally accepted  Or as they say, it is part of universal consciousness; you could even use
the theory of the hundredth monkey(if you know it).
 Your awareness will expand and you will start seeing your connection to everything and everyone. And you will start having moments where you feel the
pure love that you are a part of.
It is a truly wonderful experience.
  We use this world to learn and  move forward and experience things that you can only do in physical form, it is where lifecycles started, you incarnate you
learn lessons and move up then die and incarnate again and start over until you finish, you have done that more times than you can count.
 You continue until you are done and don’t need to come back again. Unless like me you chose to come back.
This path is open to all, but because you are already on the path you came here for this one will feel wrong for you.
I have tried to show how to start on this path to a number of students, none of them getting too far.
 I understood why they never went through these teachings, they were already following the path they came for and the lessons they needed to learn.
 So trying to walk this path even though it is always there for anyone at any time it is not the path They chose when they came, they reach a point were
nothing feels right because they already Agreed to a path and everything on this one felt wrong and scary to them so they let it go.
 I understand, it is not an easy task to undertake when you’re committed to another.
 But I keep teaching it. One day you’ll be ready. And I’ll be here waiting.
 There are two path’s you can take while here, the path to illusion or the path to truth.
 Even though all paths lead to the same place it depends on how you choose to get there.

Your gifts and talents

Your natural gifts and talents

Everybody has a natural gift or talent. Finding out what these are is easy if you look.

These are things we came here with, things that go with our path and purpose.

There are things in your life that you do that come natural to you, weather it is teaching, healing, 

writing, etc. There are things that you are born to do, you have a gift to share.

Sometimes we can go for years and not know what they are, it depends on how you were raised and 

taught. You just need to open your heart and mind. You will find yourself there.
look at your life and look to see what you’re truly passionate about, what makes your heart sing, 

what are you naturally good at. The signs are there, you just need to open your heart and mind to 


Opening up

Opening the door

What you do is find a quiet place to sit, Close your eyes and see yourself standing in your mind, 

Picture it as a big open room with doors in it, You can make the room look like anything you 

want, Just make sure that there are 4 doors along the walls.

One door represents the past, One represents the present, One represents the future, And the one 

by itself away from the others represents the door to the unknown.

Now what you do is walk to the door to the unknown and just crack it open a little and let go of 

your fear and open up to it making the unknown known a little at a time.

If you do this, You may have to repeat it a few times depending on your level of fear of the 

unknown, But when you succeed you will be open to that which you know but have forgotten.

Do not fear, There is nothing to be afraid of but yourself.

When I did this, Seems like a lifetime ago, When I was standing in my mind, I saw the door to 

the unknown and went over to it ripped it off its hinges and threw it in a fire and watched it 

burn, Permanently opening the unknown to me, And things forgotten just started flowing, It was like 

I just Knocked down the dam and the flood came rushing in, it was awesome.


Right now this moment I release all fears and doubts that I have placed in my path blocking me from fully realizing who I truly am.
Sunday, October 27, 2013


I should start by saying that i don't condone smoking, and if your not already a smoker i don't recommend starting. Now with that said, but if you are, your going to keep doing it so listen, tobacco is a natural product of the earth and natives have used if for thousands of years for various things, it is not the tobacco that is bad for you it is all the chemicals and additives that are added to it while mass producing it and all the chemicals that are added to the filters that your body can't deal with, hence the phlem the coughing scratchy throat, all caused by the additives added to the tobacco and filters, all unnatural and that is what hurts your body. so if you insist on smoking i recommend natural tobacco that can be purchased in pouches that are organic or just natural 100% additive free just natural tobacco, just like processed food is no good for you because of the same factors so you eat natural or organic, same care should be used with your tobacco.


Remember the source of all you fear is you.

Love is the way

You are so much more than you realize, open your heart and mind to the love within and see for yourself.

Being you

Remember, nothing can stand between you and being your true self, there are only the illusions you create that make you feel there is something in your way.


Remember, what your thinking about most is what your asking to be brought into your life, so know your thoughts well.


I know the energy is intense right now and it is going to get stronger, the best thing to do is be present in this moment and open your heart and mind to what is there for you, doing this practice of being present now will help you integrate the new energy into you being and and receive the gifts it has for you. remember only see and give love to all that will help you open more to your true self.
Friday, October 25, 2013


Remember that person your angry or upset with is an aspect of yourself, a mirror to you so before you get angry or upset stop take a breath be in the moment and really look at why this person brings up these emotions in you, you will see it is something about yourself you see and it upsets you. So stop and be present before you just react or respond.


There is only one of us here, and billions of thoughts of us running around.

Your choice

To be or not to be, really is the question. It is your choice.


When your not sure what to do, do nothing, sit quietly in this moment and ask for guidance.

Be you

Be the you you are within, not the you you are without.


Right now this moment, stop and surrender all your fears and doubts to the universe, and let the universe replace them with love.


Being present in the here and now, this moment is the only place you can be if you want to change.


There is no time, just the illusion of time, this moment is all there is and all there ever was.


Freely give love and energy to all you meet, you will not only raise them up you will also raise yourself.
Thursday, October 24, 2013

The unknown

I understand your fear, when you look in the mirror and look at your life, it is all you know. and to find out that it isn't who you truly are and you need to let go of who you think you are and step into the unknown can be scary, no frame of reference to look to, you need to trust that thing inside that they call the piece of god that you are, and follow it's guidance, and have faith that it will lead you to where you need to be, and help you see the truth in who you thought you were and the truth in who you truly are. Fear not, the unknown is not unknown when you get there, it is a memory of where you came from and where your going, Go in love and remember.


When you surrender your wants and desires to the universe, when the universe gives you what you need not what you want you will find it was what you wanted all along.

Want and need

All I want is what the universe knows I need.


You must have a great sense of humor and be willing to laugh at yourself or you will drive yourself nuts with the wrong emotions.

Go be in nature

Go find a quiet place in nature ans sit and admire the beauty and focus on it and your breathing, and open up to the transformational energy that is there to help you and gain insights to your next steps.

Weird vibe

That weird vibe you feel in the air, it is another wave of transformational energy to help you evolve further toward who you truly are, so take advantage and let go of the things that no longer serve you and open your heart and mind to the shifting in consciousness that is upon you.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Be open to things not being the way you think they are

They say: when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Biggest problem is the student has an image of what they think the teacher should look and be like, so that when the real teacher passes by they miss them.


I am someone, I am No one, I am everyone

What to do

There are so many people out there telling you what you need to do to find who you truly are, most of them are right, but choosing which one to follow their teachings can be tough with so many choices. see which one resonates with you trust your intuition, your guidance and you will make the right choice.


If you spend your time and energy focusing on your thoughts while you try to change them, your just going to amplify the current thoughts. Instead focus within on your true heart and passion, the voice within that is calling you, and your thoughts will change in the process.


Remember every moment you have a choice, truth or illusion. choose wisely because that choice will determine the next, and so on.

The only thing

The only thing that matters is you being you. your true self, not who you think you are.


I am an Ascended master bringer of change,I am a Teacher of truth, Helping you find the truth in who you really are and why your here, raising your consciousness. If you seek truth, I can help you, If you seek illusion, you don't need me, your doing fine on your own.

Who are you?

If you want to find true self, forget who you think you are and start over.
This time from within.

Thoughts 2

with an open heart and mind  you won't have to worry about your thoughts because you will feel so much love and joy that thought won't matter, you will be aligned with creation and so will your thoughts.


If you spend your time watching your thoughts and trying to change them, then you'll be spending your time watching and changing your thoughts. don't get me wrong, positive thoughts are a wonderful thing, but it is not why your here. look within and find that spark of light that is your piece of creation and follow it where it takes you with an open heart and mind and you won't have to worry about your thoughts because you will feel so much love and joy that thought won't matter.


Find your balance and be centered with the four sacred directions.
The South" The open mind, Innocent child
The West: Introspection
The North: Wisdom Experience
The East: Illumination clear vision

Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague


"Through true understanding of mind, you will find true self" Joseph


Ask yourself this one question: Do I love what I do?
If the answer is no, then your not following your heart and passion.

Be Now

If you would forget the past and future and be present in this moment, you would see a whole new world.


The meaning of life: Life in and of itself has no meaning, only the meaning you give it.
It is your choice how to experience this world, no one Else's. So stop and look around, is this the world you want to see? if not change the way you see it and it will change.


Be who you truly are, let nothing and no one tell you different, follow you true heart and passion. Let go of the old and begin anew.


Through reflection you will see the patterns in your life that keep repeating so you will become aware of what you have been doing and can understand the lessons there the universe has been trying to get you to see and change from within, and move forward on your true path.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Just be who you truly are within, not who you think you are without.
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Truth within, who I am

Coming here as an ascended master and having no real plan for life set out for you really is tough and lonely existence, unable to find any kind of happiness or pleasure or fulfillment in the world really hating everything about this place basically coming here as a blank slate and no matter what you do or how you do it or how happy or positive you are about it you always end up back in the same place you started from every time. I've always had that still small voice that guidance trying to tell me things throughout my life but I was young I didn't know anything I was running off of what I learned what my parents and my teachers had taught me about life and what it means to be a productive human being on this planet. Even though I was not a religious person I always knew that when there was something bothering me to go in my room alone and talk to God I didn't realize the answers I was getting were directly from him, I was so miserable being a human being in this place that I tried to end my life a number of times all unsuccessful of course, I remember one time sitting in my room crying and a razor blade in my hand I ask God to forgive me for what I was about to do and I slit my wrist twice and when not one drop of blood came out I heard there is only one way you're leaving this place and that is not it, I never tried it again after that. My whole life I've tried more jobs than most people will ever have their whole life you name it I've probably done it I always went in every job hundred and 10% Mr. positive, thinking maybe this is who i am can it be this is where I belong, but they all ended the same way I always ended up back where I started from without any clue. I have always been stubborn and hardheaded so it takes a long time for ideas and things to really sink in and make me look at them or act upon them, I finally realized what the universe was trying to tell me look within to find who I am not without because there is nothing out there for me all I need is within. Thus began my letting go of this world and letting go of all my wants and desires for anything in this physical place and spending my time looking within seeking the answers to the questions I've had my whole life who am I and why am I here. With a lot of meditation and reflection and talks with God and my guides I've come to understand who I am and why I'm here, it's because this is the time all the shifting the energy that was going to happen that is going on now it is a time of great change and I am an ascended master the bringer of change I am here to help raise the consciousness of all and transform the world.


Father, all i truly want is to be what you created me to be, nothing else in this physical existence matters.

All my Heart and Love to you.

What you seek

If you align yourself with you true self, you will bring to you all that is there for you, no matter what it is it will come to you. If your not aligned with your true self, then wishing and wanting and praying visualizing for things that you want won't come because it has nothing to do with why your here, it will not come. let go of physical things and focus within on your true self, there you will find what you truly seek, even if you don't know it yet. Once your aligned with true self, all the things that are there to help you on your path will start to appear.
Saturday, October 19, 2013


I am not this body, I am a presence within it, The thoughts and dreams and fantasies are of the body, what it has learned and experienced since it came to be. I let the body do it's thing and i observe. I do not hate the body, the body hates itself, I am thankful and grateful for it, for it gives me a place to exist. I do not judge the body for it has no idea why it does what it does. I know, but i allow it to be, we are not in conflict. I do not respond to it's thoughts, they have nothing to do with what i am, even though it is all an illusion I created so I could be here in a physical form to do what I came here to do, I do enjoy watching other "people" going about their daily routines without any idea why. I am an Ascended Master, Bringer of change, and I am here to help with the transformation and raising of consciousness.  I am a teacher, healer and guide.
Friday, October 18, 2013

What you are

You are not your body you are not your thoughts you're nothing that you see in the mirror that is your perception of who you think you are and what you think you have become you're not the ego is the body all the things the body has experienced you are not your thoughts you are beyond thought I understand these things are working for you now because it is where you are it is what's being presented as what's being identified and what's being taught now but you are not your thoughts your body is the one that is thinking and the universe keeps presenting you with opportunities to see that you are just a presence within the body you are not the body you have just been following the body ego and the thoughts your whole life through what the body has experienced what has been taught and what is learned but now you're realizing that it is not you there is something more, becoming aware of your thoughts is a great place to start because you understand that they are not you where do they come from, they are part of the body the regurgitation of all the experiences the body has felt and done through the whole course of your life but is not who you truly are, it is time to understand that the little voice in the presence within that is who you truly are ,trying to break free from this when you look in the mirror you are not what you see, it is merely a representation of the perception you have of yourself  and what you think of yourself, the time is now to awaken within seek all your answers within for that is where you truly are, let go of the external follow that inner guidance that is your true self open up to the reason you're here to your true purpose the true path you should be on go with love for that is your nature just be who you truly are.
Thursday, October 10, 2013

It has begun

I hope everybody is ready for all the things that are about to change and shift, you-all knew it was coming so don't be surprised when everything just changes. I hope you have prepared yourself, I hope you're either where you're supposed to be your on your way there. This is the great time of change and transformation, old ways are coming to an end and the new system will be taking over soon. As my mom used to say, wake up fly right. So wake up and get moving.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The time is now

The time is now to stop procrastinating, it's time to take that leap of faith, step through the door. It's time to listen to that guidance that you are getting telling you where you need to go what you need to do. The energy is here to support you in your path following your heart your passion your true purpose for being here, be not afraid for only you are standing in your way, let go of the past forget about the future be here in this moment right now, right here right now is where you need to be so you can see clearly and hear your guidance clearly and move forward from this moment. See and give only love to everything and everyone you meet for it is your nature to be love.