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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fear and uncertainty keep us trapped in our current reality

Fear and uncertainty keep us trapped in our current reality.
We must find the courage to move forward, Stepping through the fear and into the unknown. I empathize with everybody, When you’re in a place of physical existence and you're trying to follow your heart and passion, I know it's hard to take that leap of faith, Thinking how will I pay my bills, Where will I live, Will I lose everything I worked for thus far? (When I wrote this I was jobless and homeless, but I am following my heart and passion and things will work out.) You start second guessing yourself and if it's truly your heart you're following, What if I'm wrong about everything and I end up homeless, with nothing. I know how scary the thought of walking away from what you know toward what you don’t' know, In truth, Your walking toward what you will remember when you get there, Who you truly are, So you’re not walking away from who you are, you’re walking toward who you are. The self you think you are when you look in the mirror and look at your past, Is not who you are, its' what you became based on what you were taught and learned through your life. That is why it seems so scary, because when you look at your life, it’s all you know. And to walk away from that and into the unknown takes courage. But the unknown is not unknown, you just need to remember, it is where you came from. My heart goes out to all who have reached this point, it feels like the end, but it is just your final letting go of the illusion. Take my hand and we will step in together.