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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wake up

good morning, this is your wake up call, i know you all have felt the

energy shifts that have been going on for some years now, but the new

energy that is coming in now is for personal transformation, i know

you feel it, there is something nawing at you and you just don't know

what it is, it's your guides trying to get your attention, trying to

get you to stop what your doing and look at your life, is this where

you feel you really need to be? are you following your true heart and

passion, the time is now to stop living in the past and stop dreaming

of the future and be present here and now, this moment, it is the only

place that truly exists, wake up from that long sleep you have been in.

be present now..let go of the illusion of who you think you are and open

your heart and mind to who you truly are.it is time to go where your being

called to, time

to stop hiding who you truly are from the world and yourself and start

following your true path,your heart and passion.

it is time to change the world.